The Empty Frame
By Sophie Besse
"2 actors, 1 small stage, but one hell of a show!" ! Fertility Road Magazine
A play written by Sophie NL Besse
A production funded by Arts Council UK, CRM Care London, Care Fertility and Bourn Hall fertility clinic.

A stage. Lots of pictures hanging everywhere. Some call it mess, others, a life. Somewhere in the middle, HE and SHE and their baby that can already see. HE is english. SHE is so française.. They are waiting. On their own ? Yes. Together ? Good question.. Oh, and there is also a clock. Yes, there's always a clock in a waiting area. If only SHE could stop it ticking..
Director: Sophie NL Besse
Co-director: Clemence Viel
Set design: Riitta Hakkarainen & Loren Elstein
Light design: Luis Alvarez & Pablo Fernandez Baz
Sound design: Joe Evans
Acting coach: Julia Yevnine
Music: Remy Bertrand
Set manager: Catalina Mihai
Animation: Riitta Hakkarainen
Puppets: Ludovic Pujol
Mark Gray
Sophie NL Besse
Very powerful and moving play about adoption and infertility
★★★★★ ICI-Londres
5 Stars really aren't enough. The Empty Frame takes you on the emotional roller coaster of a couple's Infertility journey. 2 actors, 1 small stage but one hell of a show. Funny, sad & very emotional The Empty Frame was amazing.
★★★★★ Fertility Road Magazine

"Three days after we watched the play and I keep thinking of it and will be thinking even longer. A real masterpiece. One of a kind forever!
Thank you for the unforgetable experience!" Emilia Taneva
"Just saw this beautiful, meaningful, very well-written play, excellently performed and perfectly directed play. I laughed, I cried and laughed and cried again! amazing! don't miss it!" Sophia Kayes
'Intense,profond et si poetique. A voir absolument'- Marie-Camille
"The Empty Frame was excellent! Touching, moving, powerful - go see it!" Simon
"I cried and I laughed at the same time, it was excellent! So moving... I loved it!" Selina
"Amazing! Moving, fun and suffocating at the same time! What a mise en scene!" Julie
"This play is not only beautiful, it also opens your mind. It is a story that has heart and opens your mind to new perspectives." Helene
"Wonderful play and a beautiful text. Loved it!" Charles.
"Another great play by Sophie Besse! A poetic journey through this tough subject for a great evening!" Blandine
I thought the play was wonderfully penetrating, emotional and descriptive of the highly disruptive and destructive nature that the issues of infertility have on peoples relationships.PSYCHEdelight did an excellent job of creating the right pace and choices of options around the multitude of situations couples find themselves in – very well done again!
Professor of Human Reproduction
The Empty Frame by Sophie Besse should be compulsory viewing for any professional involved in caring for infertile couples. In fact this is the best CPD I have ever attended. As doctors, nurses and embryologists we flit into our patients lives, a few minutes here, half an hour there, offering advice, pills, injections, interventions and, if we are worth our salt, a healthy dose of empathy and compassion.
But what are our patients feeling…… I mean really feeling, about their situation, about us as professionals and most importantly about each other?
The Empty Frame is a no holds barred dissection of a couple’s fertility journey from their initial light hearted decisions about starting a family to reaching that dark place deep inside where their visceral emotions lie. That Sophie Besse is an infertility psychologist and counsellor dealing with these emotions on a daily basis only heightens the authenticity of this work which is also clinically very accurate.
It deserves to be seen by seen by a wide audience who will be touched, informed, entertained and enriched by the experience
Robert Forman MD FRCOG
Medical Director